Las Reliquias de Tolti Aph

An interactive fiction by Graham Nelson (2005) - the Inform 7 source text

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Section E(c) - Coordenadas espaciales

A spatial coordinate is a kind of value. <9,24,24> specifies a spatial coordinate with parts maze level, easting (without leading zeros), northing (without leading zeros). A room has a spatial coordinate called grid position. Definition: A room is unlocated if its grid position is <0,0,0>. Definition: A room is located if it is not unlocated.[1]

To decide which number is the current maze level:
    let L be the maze level part of the grid position of the location;
    decide on L.

The previous maze level is a number that varies.

Every turn:
    if the location is a labyrinth room and the location is not the Arco de Seto
        if the current maze level is not the previous maze level
            if the current maze level is 1, say "Parpadeas en la penumbra, a pesar de estar bajo la luz natural del crepúsculo, sintiendo nuevamente una leve brisa en tu cara. Estás de vuelta en el familiar laberinto vallado, en la superficie.";
            if the previous maze level is 1, say "Subsuelo. El laberinto parece extenderse en pasajes mágicamente iluminados; oradados en la roca con precisión.";
        end if;
    end if;
    change the previous maze level to the current maze level.

A direction has a spatial coordinate called vector. North has vector <0,0,1>. South has vector <0,0,24>. East has vector <0,1,0>. West has vector <0,24,0>. Down has vector <1,0,0>. Up has vector <9,0,0>.[2] Definition: A direction is vectorial if its vector is not <0,0,0>.[3] Definition: A direction is vertical if it is up or it is down.

To decide which spatial coordinate is the vector sum of (V1 - a spatial coordinate) and (V2 - a spatial coordinate):
    let L be the maze level part of V1 plus the maze level part of V2;
    let L be the remainder after dividing L by 10;
    let E be the easting part of V1 plus the easting part of V2;
    let E be the remainder after dividing E by 25;
    let N be the northing part of V1 plus the northing part of V2;
    let N be the remainder after dividing N by 25;
    if L is 0 or L is 9, decide on <0,0,0>;
    if E is 0 or E is 24, decide on <0,0,0>;
    if N is 0 or N is 24, decide on <0,0,0>;
    let the sum be the spatial coordinate with maze level part L easting part E northing part N;
    decide on the sum.[4]

To decide which spatial coordinate is the vector difference of (V1 - a spatial coordinate) and (V2 - a spatial coordinate):
    let L be the maze level part of V1 minus the maze level part of V2;
    let L be the remainder after dividing L by 10;
    let E be the easting part of V1 minus the easting part of V2;
    let E be the remainder after dividing E by 25;
    let N be the northing part of V1 minus the northing part of V2;
    let N be the remainder after dividing N by 25;
    let the sum be the spatial coordinate with maze level part L easting part E northing part N;
    decide on the sum.


[1]. Inform no construye automáticamente los refijos un-: son demasiado impredecibles en Inglés. Por ejemplo, en ROTA "undead" tiene una definición que para nada es equivalente a "not dead".

[2]. Como esto demuestra, Inform permite añadir o modificar incluso los conceptos más fundamentales construidos en Inform.

[3]. Por ejemplo, "nordeste" y "fuera" son direcciones no-vectoriales en este sentido. El Laberinto ocupa una cuadrícula cúbica y nunca tiene conexiones en esas direcciones.

[4]. Todo este tema de restas-tras-dividir es para permitirnos tener vectores relativos con valores negativos. Así que un movimiento sencillo hacia el oeste se consigue añadiendo <0,24,0> a la posición, porque 24 es lo mismo que -1 cuando estamos tratando con números en un rango desde 0 a 23. Pero el Laberinto no "da la vuelta": posiciones legales de la cuadrícula son donde L debe de ser entre 1 y 8, y E y N deben de ser entre 1 y 23, con el valor especial <0,0,0> reservado como el vlaor "ninguna posición".